Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences - 2005; 21(3-4) Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences - RSS feed of 2005; 21(3-4) 1300-0705 December 2005 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1300-0705 <![CDATA[DÜZELTME]]> 2005-12-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 3-4 21 2005-12-01 Erratum <![CDATA[Effect of Offspring Numbers and Different Methods on Estimation of Heritability for Body Weight in Japanese Quail]]> 2005-12-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 3-4 21 014 2005-12-01 005 Original Article <![CDATA[Investigation of Effect on Fertility of Different Oestrus Synchronization Methods in Cows in Field Conditions]]> 2005-12-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 3-4 21 022 2005-12-01 015 Original Article <![CDATA[Oestrus Synchronisation in Cattle]]> 2005-12-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 3-4 21 032 2005-12-01 023 Original Article <![CDATA[Evaluation of the effect of Dinoprost on Oestrus Synchronization and Pregnancy Rates in Purebred Arabian Mares in Sanliurfa Region]]> 2005-12-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 3-4 21 037 2005-12-01 033 Original Article <![CDATA[Evaluation of Silage Quality of Wet Sugar Beet Pulp Prepared With Different Additives]]> 2005-12-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 3-4 21 045 2005-12-01 039 Original Article <![CDATA[The Determination of Yield Potantial, Digestibility and Energy Contents of Sainfoin Harvested at Different Maturities Using In Vivo and In Vitro Methods]]> 2005-12-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 3-4 21 055 2005-12-01 047 Original Article <![CDATA[Microbiological and Chemical Quality of Maraş Cheese Manufactured in K. Maraş]]> 2005-12-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 3-4 21 063 2005-12-01 057 Original Article <![CDATA[The degree of Endometrial Edema on the Days of Estrus and Ovulation in Purebred Arabian Mares]]> 2005-12-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 3-4 21 068 2005-12-01 065 Original Article <![CDATA[Isolation and Identification of Listeria monocytogenes From White Pickled Cheese Consumed in Niğde Region]]> 2005-12-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 3-4 21 074 2005-12-01 069 Original Article <![CDATA[The Changes of Some Serum Biochemical Parameters in Different Age Groups of Anatolian Buffalos]]> 2005-12-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 3-4 21 078 2005-12-01 075 Original Article <![CDATA[Effect of Prostaglandin F<sub>2α</sub> Injections during the Different Day of Oestrus on Injection-Oestrus, Injection-Ovulation Interval and Fertility in Ewes]]> 2α . was intramuscularly injected to all ewes one day betore the withdrawal of sponges in three groups. Estrous of each ewes were followed using with teaser rams with the 6 hour interval and mean ovulation time were determined based on the completing of estrous Animals were divided into three groups according the time of end of estrus. 0.294 mg Triaprost tromethamine were injected on day 3 (Group I), 6 (Group 11} and 9 (Group III) after ovulation. Afterwards, PMSG at the dosage of 400 IU were injected to all of the ewes at the moment of prostaglandin injection. PGF -estrus, PGF -ovulation interval were significantly (P<0.05) shorter in the group I than in the groups II and III. Plasma progesterone level at the moment of PGF,(I injections was statistically (p<0.05) lower in the group l than in the group II. On the other hands, estrus response and pregnancy rates were not statistically different (p>0.05) among the groups. As a result of in this study, injection of PGF on day 3 after ovulation was found to be effective to induce ovarian activity in ewes.]]> 2005-12-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 3-4 21 082 2005-12-01 079 Original Article <![CDATA[Macroanatomical Investigations on the Superficial and Deep Veins of the Head in Holstein Bovine]]> 2005-12-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 3-4 21 092 2005-12-01 083 Original Article <![CDATA[Investigation of Possibilities Using of Ultrasonography in Cat and Bitch Reproduction]]> 2005-12-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 3-4 21 100 2005-12-01 093 Original Article <![CDATA[Pulse Oximetry in the Determination of Bowel Viability]]> 2005-12-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 3-4 21 106 2005-12-01 101 Original Article <![CDATA[The Congenital Hydrocephalus and Arthrogryposis Cases in Two Calves]]> 2005-12-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 3-4 21 112 2005-12-01 107 Original Article <![CDATA[Cytological Studies in Healthy Mouse]]> 2005-12-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 3-4 21 118 2005-12-01 113 Original Article <![CDATA[The Importance of Arterial Blood Gases in The Diagnosis of Experimentally Induced Respiratory Tract Diseases in Lambs]]> 8 CFU/ ml), Clebsiella pneumoniae (8x10 8 CFU/ml) and Paraenfluenza 3 viruse were inoculated by intratracheal for induced respiratory tract diseases in the lambs (experimental groups). Blood samples were taken from the femoral arteria and the jugular vein once in the control group of lambs. Blood samples were taken Irom the femoral arteria and the jugular vein on days 1th , 2th. 3th, and 4th of the infection in the experimental group of lambs The WBC (p<0.00l), body temperature (p<0 001), respiratory rate (p<0.001), and heart rate (p<0.01) were significantly increased in the experimental group of lambs compared with the control group of iambs. pH (p<0.01), pCO2 (p<0.01), pO2 (p<0 05). and oxygen saturation (p<0.05) in venouse blood were significantly different in the the experimental group of lambs compared with the control group of lambs. pCO2 (p<0.01) In arterial blood was significantly different in the the experimental group of lambs compared with the control group of lambs. In the histopathologic examination, interstitial pneumonia and pneumonia with ab-cessation was determined in the lung of experimental group of the lambs. The results ot this study showed that, arterial blood gases did not influenced in acute respiratory enfection, but venouse blood gases did more influenced in acute respiratory disease, therefore, evaulation of venouse blood gases in the diagnosis of respiratory disease was found to more benifical.]]> 2005-12-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 3-4 21 125 2005-12-01 119 Original Article