Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences - 1990; 6(1) Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences - RSS feed of 1990; 6(1) 1300-0705 January 1990 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1300-0705 <![CDATA[Microbiologic Studies on Mastitis in Sheep]]> 1990-01-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 6 006 1990-01-01 003 Original Article <![CDATA[Studies at the level of light and electron microscopy the connection of perlslnusoldal cells with Vitamin A, Lipid metabolisms and fatty liver syndrome In hens]]> 1990-01-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 6 012 1990-01-01 007 Original Article <![CDATA[Studies on the fertilization of mouse eggs in vitro]]> 2 in air for 1.5-2 hours before they were used for insemination. The ineubatian medium was THY medium containing glucose, sodium pyruvate, bovine albumtn and antibiotics. At the time of insemination, a drop of sperm suspension (10-20 µl) was added to the medium contatning egg clot. Eggs and sperms were incubated in ineubatian medium for 6 hours. In the fırst group, fertilized eggs were left into the same medium. In the second group they were transferred to the development medium (Modifıed Whitten's) without sodium lactate and incubated until they were examtned under stereo-microscope. As a conclusion, in this study fertilized eggs and 2-cell stage embıyos were obtained but further stage of embıyos (morulae, blastocyst) couldn't be reached.]]> 1990-01-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 6 015 1990-01-01 013 Original Article <![CDATA[Histopathological studies upon effects of zeranol on the reproductive system in male merino lambs]]> 1990-01-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 6 022 1990-01-01 016 Original Article <![CDATA[Histopathological changes in the testes, epididimis and accessory sex glands of pubertal brown swiss male bulls zeranol implanted]]> 1990-01-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 6 028 1990-01-01 023 Original Article <![CDATA[Importance diagnostique et prognostique des certains parametres sanguins et de liquide perltoneal chez les chevaux atteints de coliques]]> 1990-01-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 6 031 1990-01-01 029 Original Article <![CDATA[Etudes sur les effets d'Atropin et de Veraparnil au empechement des arythmies de coeur lie a l'infusion de cal ci um chez les vaches]]> 1990-01-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 6 036 1990-01-01 033 Original Article <![CDATA[The Serological Survey On Bluetongue Virus Infection In Sheep]]> 4 by microneutralization test. BHK (Baby Hamster Kidney) permanent eeliline was used for production and titration of BTV and neutralisation test. Glascow Eagle's MEM (Minimum Essential Medium) with 10 % calf sera for cell medium and Glascow Eagle's MEM without sera for virus medium were used in this research. The blood sera were tested at the rate of 1/10 dilution. At the end of the microneutralization test, the 31 (36.04 %) sheep blood were found seropozitive to BTV, type SA 4 .]]> 1990-01-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 6 040 1990-01-01 037 Original Article <![CDATA[lnvestigations on effects of various biochemical parameters In blood and cerebrospinal fluid of some tranquilizers In dogs]]> 1990-01-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 6 046 1990-01-01 041 Original Article <![CDATA[The effects of diets containing different roughages {alfaalfa hay, barley straw, barleystrow- HCl) on digestibility andN-retention in goats]]> 1990-01-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 6 051 1990-01-01 047 Original Article <![CDATA[The effects of the ventral truncal vagotomy on the functions of the forestomach and abcmasum in sheep]]> 1990-01-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 6 059 1990-01-01 053 Original Article <![CDATA[Deteramination of chloramphenicol and furazolidon residues in eggs marketed in Konya]]> 1990-01-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 6 063 1990-01-01 061 Original Article <![CDATA[A new approach in the treatment and prevention of traumatic reticulitis]]> 1990-01-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 6 067 1990-01-01 065 Original Article <![CDATA[lnvestlgations on some biochemical parameters and milk.yleld in dairy cows fed supplemental β-carotene]]> 1990-01-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 6 071 1990-01-01 069 Original Article