Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences - 1992; 8(2) Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences - RSS feed of 1992; 8(2) 1300-0705 March 1992 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1300-0705 <![CDATA[Conversion of Carotenes into Vitamin A and Vitamin A metabolism I. The Mechanism of Conversion of Beta-Carotene into Vitamin A: A Review]]> 1992-03-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 2 8 005 1992-03-01 003 Original Article <![CDATA[Light and electron microscopic studies on the cellular and humoral defensive systems of the mammary glands of normal and mastitic cows]]> 1992-03-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 2 8 011 1992-03-01 006 Original Article <![CDATA[Macroscopic and microscopic investigations on the myocardial bridges in domestic animals]]> 1992-03-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 2 8 017 1992-03-01 012 Original Article <![CDATA[Investigations on Alloxan-lnduced Diabetes in the Dogs]]> 1992-03-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 2 8 021 1992-03-01 018 Original Article <![CDATA[Effects of Alloxan on Some Blood Parameters in Dogs]]> 1992-03-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 2 8 024 1992-03-01 022 Original Article <![CDATA[Experimentelle Untersuchungen über die Wirksamkeit der einfachen Knopfnaht-Methode im Vergleich mit der Zweireihigen Naht-Methode an Dünndarm nach Enterotomie bei Hunden]]> 1992-03-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 2 8 031 1992-03-01 025 Original Article <![CDATA[Macroscopic investigations on the afferent and efferent lymph vessels of the cervical superficial node and popliteal lymph node in Akkaraman sheep]]> 1992-03-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 2 8 036 1992-03-01 032 Original Article <![CDATA[Some Haematological Values in the Healthy Hamdani (Hareki-Harki) Sheep]]> 6 , 5.55x10 3 and 3.72x10 5 respectively. Same values in male sheep were found to be 9.73x106, 4.80x10 3 and 3.62x10 5 respectively. Mean values of haemoglobin concentration (Hb) and haematocrit (PVC) in female sheep were determined to be 13.53 g/dl and 41.41 % respectively. But same values in male sheep determined to be 12.12 g/dl and 38.14% respectively. On the other hand, the lymphocytes, neutrophils, monocytes and eosin ophils were determined as 53.6 %, 39.0 %, 4.6 % and 2.8 % in the female sheep, whereas these values found to be 49.2%, 44.0%, 4.4% and 2.4% in male sheep respectively. In this study, the values of the erythrocytes sedimentation rate of 1 hour, two hours and twenty four hours in the female sheep were found to be 0.95,1.29 and 11.09 mm, respectively. Same values in male sheep were found to be 0.99, 1.26 and 11.23 mm, respectively.]]> 1992-03-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 2 8 040 1992-03-01 037 Original Article <![CDATA[Light microscopic studies on the alpha-naphthyl acetate esterase activity of the fetal bovine peripheral blood lymphocytes]]> 1992-03-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 2 8 044 1992-03-01 041 Original Article <![CDATA[Some Haematological Values In The Healthy Van Cats]]> 6 , 5.6x10 3 and 1.16x105 respectively. Mean values haemoglobin concentration (Hb) and haematocrit (PCV) in cats were determined to be 12.5 g/dl and 43.94 % respectively. Mean Corpusculer Volume (MCV), Mean Corpusculer Haemoglobin (MCH) and Mean Corpusculer Haemoglobin Concentration (MCHC) were found to be 61.37 µ 3 , 16.85 pg and 29.04 % respectively.]]> 1992-03-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 2 8 047 1992-03-01 045 Original Article <![CDATA[The effects of levamisole and ivermectin in the teratment of Dirofilaria immitis in the dogs]]> 1992-03-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 2 8 050 1992-03-01 048 Original Article <![CDATA[Effect of treatment on haematological values in the dogs infected with Dirofilaria immitis]]> 6 , 5.57x10 3 , 48.33 % and 15.46 g/dl, respectively. But these parameters in the healthy dogs were found to be 6.43x10 6 , 5.23x10 3 , 40.67% and 13.26 g/dl, respectively. The lymphocytes, monocytes, mature neutrophils and eosinophils were determined to be 11.33%, 3.00%, 73,67% and 12.00% in the infected dogs, where as these values were found to be 11.50%, 2.50%, 78.00% and 8.00% in the healthy dogs, respectively. After the treatment, the mean values of RBC, WBC, haematocrit and hemoglobin in the second group were found tobe5.28x10 6 , 5.08x10 3 , 42.00%and 16.24g/dl, respectively. But these parameters in the third group were found to be 5.24x10 6 , 6.34x10 3 , 45.57% and 16.11 g/dl, despectively. On the other hand, the lymphocytes, monocytes, mature neutrophils and eosinophils were determined as 16.50%, 2.50%, 73.75% and 7.25% in the second group, where as these values found to be 14.28%, 2.21%, 75.00% and 8.51% in the third group, respectively. One month after treatment, the red blood cell counts in the third group were found to be higher than other groups. Increasing in the other blood parameters were not significant.]]> 1992-03-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 2 8 054 1992-03-01 051 Original Article <![CDATA[Anatomical investigations on the ossified tendons of the shank muscles in Bronze turkey]]> 1992-03-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 2 8 059 1992-03-01 055 Original Article <![CDATA[Determination of N-acetyl β-D glucosaminidase enzyme activity in bovine milk for the early diagnosis of subclinical mastitis]]> 1992-03-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 2 8 063 1992-03-01 060 Original Article <![CDATA[Gizzard erosion in chickens]]> 1992-03-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 2 8 066 1992-03-01 064 Original Article <![CDATA[Aortic body tumor in a Kangal dog]]> 1992-03-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 2 8 069 1992-03-01 067 Original Article <![CDATA[The Serological Survey On Bovine Adenovirus Type 2 Infection in Bovine in Konya]]> 50 1.05 ml. MDBK (Madine Darby Bovine Kidney) cell culture were used in virus production, in titration and in microneutralization test. As a cell medium, Eagle's MEM with % 10 inactivated calf sera and as virus medium Eagle's MEM medium without sera were used. Based on the results the neutralization antibodies were found in 247 sera of the 950 sera against BAV type 2. This study pointed out that the adenovirus infections were prevalent in cattle in Konya.]]> 1992-03-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 2 8 073 1992-03-01 070 Original Article <![CDATA[The Comparative Study On Acut Renal Toxicity Of ionic And Non-ionic Contrast Media In Cell Culture]]> 1992-03-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 2 8 076 1992-03-01 074 Original Article <![CDATA[An interesting case of polymelia (throracomelia and pelvomelia): Lamb with seven legs]]> 1992-03-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 2 8 079 1992-03-01 077 Original Article