Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences - 1993; 9(2)
Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences - RSS feed of 1993; 9(2)1300-0705March 1993Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences1300-0705
1993-03-01Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences290071993-03-01003Original Article
1993-03-01Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences290121993-03-01008Original Article
1993-03-01Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences290141993-03-01013Original Article
3 and vHCO 3 , apCO 2 atCO 2 and
vtCO 2 , vo 2 saturation, aO 2 and vO
2 concentration !eve/s decreased. On the other h and, at the e nd of the
hypotensive period the mean arterial base excess (aBE) and venous base excess
(vBE) levels decreased drastically.]]>1993-03-01Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences290191993-03-01015Original Article
1993-03-01Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences290211993-03-01020Original Article
2 PaO 2 calcium and sodium
values were not significantly altered.]]>1993-03-01Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences290271993-03-01022Original Article
1993-03-01Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences290301993-03-01028Original Article
1993-03-01Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences290351993-03-01031Original Article
1993-03-01Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences290371993-03-01036Original Article
1993-03-01Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences290451993-03-01038Original Article
5 /9) compared to those in the samples dried in drying chamber (2.
4x10 6 /9 ). No significant differences were observed in other
microorganisms. As to the organoleptic eva!uations, the level of general
acceptance for taste, textura and color was av. 6-7 out of 10 points. As a
result, it was determined that the dried meats were more nutritious specifically
rich in protein and highly consantrated me at products. On the other hands, the
sun-dried meats processeel for 8 days were accepted as the best and high quality
dried meat compared to the other experimental meat products.]]>1993-03-01Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences290521993-03-01046Original Article
1993-03-01Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences290561993-03-01053Original Article
1993-03-01Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences290631993-03-01057Original Article
/mm 3 , respectively. This values were fo und to be 4.98, 6.00, 4,71
and 5.35x10 6 /mm 3 , at the end of the hypotensive
period, respectively. After the bo/us injection, the RBC at 90th mins in group
I,II,III and IV were determined to be 4.97, 5.63, 4.35 and 4. 15x10 6
/mm 3 , respectively. Before the experiment, while the haemarocrit
values of group I,II,III and IV were determined to be 39.2, 47.2, 40. 7 and 43.
7 % respectively. The same va/ues were found to be 35.6, 42.3, 34.1 and 39.0 %,
at the e nd of the hypotensive period. The haematocrit values at 90th mins in
group /,ll, lll and IV were determined to be 34.4, 41.3, 30.9 and 28.5 %,
respectively. Before the experiment, while the plasma sodium leve/ s in group
I,II,III and IV were determined to be 134. 9, 137.9, 137.0 and 141.1 mEq/L,
respectively. The same values were found to be 133.5, 136.8, 133.6 and 135.7
mEq/L, at the en d of the hypotensive period, respectively. On the other hand,
the plasma sodium values, at 90th min s in group I,II,III and IV were determined
to be 136. 6, 136.4, 136. B and 144.3 mEq/L, respectively. Before the
experiment, the plasma potassium /eve/s in group I,II,III and IV were determined
to be 4.98, 5.27, 5.07 and 5.06 mEq/L, respectively. At the end of the
hypotensive period, the plasma potassium levels in the all groups increased. At
90th mins these values in the all groups decreased.]]>1993-03-01Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences290681993-03-01064Original Article
2 α administration
in IM and /0 groups (0.22±0. 18, 0.74±0.39, respectively), however, it was
found higher in IVSM group (0.80±0.55 ng/ml) compared to others. The appearance
of estrous detected through visual observation was between 49-72 hours in IM and
IVSM groups, whereas it was observed earlier (24-36 hours) in IO group. All
animals showed estrus, artiiicialIy insemineted, of which the IO group had the
highest pregnancy rat e of 100%.]]>1993-03-01Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences290731993-03-01069Original Article
3 levels in the all groups decreased drastically when they were
compared with the levels before the experiment.]]>1993-03-01Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences290781993-03-01074Original Article
1993-03-01Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences290821993-03-01079Original Article
1993-03-01Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences290861993-03-01083Original Article
1993-03-01Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences290891993-03-01087Original Article
1993-03-01Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences290931993-03-01090Case Report
1993-03-01Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences290961993-03-01094Case Report