Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences - 1988; 4(1) Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences - RSS feed of 1988; 4(1) 1300-0705 January 1988 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1300-0705 <![CDATA[The Effect of different rations on the development of ciliate protozoa in the rumen of Angora Goats]]> 1988-01-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 4 020 1988-01-01 001 Original Article <![CDATA[Studies on the fatty liver syndrome in dairy cattle]]> 1988-01-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 4 036 1988-01-01 021 Original Article <![CDATA[Some blood parameters in dairy cows with fatty liver syndrome]]> 1988-01-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 4 041 1988-01-01 037 Original Article <![CDATA[Fatty liver syndrome associated with some post parturation period diseases]]> 1988-01-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 4 051 1988-01-01 043 Original Article <![CDATA[The Researches on Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis - Infestious Pustular Vulvovaginitis (IBR/IPV) in Bovines of Konya Livestock Central Research Institute]]> 1988-01-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 4 064 1988-01-01 053 Original Article <![CDATA[The Detection of the Pregnancy in Sheep by Ultrasound]]> 1988-01-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 4 071 1988-01-01 065 Original Article <![CDATA[The effect of different levels of sodium bicarbonate in lambs'ration on growth performance]]> 1988-01-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 4 081 1988-01-01 073 Original Article <![CDATA[The hygienic quality of drinking water in Konya]]> 1988-01-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 4 089 1988-01-01 083 Original Article <![CDATA[Radioimmunological Diagnosis of Early Pregnancy in Ewes That Previously Synchronised by MAP, PMSG and GnRH Hormones]]> 1988-01-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 4 098 1988-01-01 091 Original Article <![CDATA[Investigation on biochemical, colicinogenic and mannose resistant hemagglutination characteristics of E. coli strains isolated from healthy and diarrhoeic lambs]]> 1988-01-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 4 108 1988-01-01 099 Original Article <![CDATA[Effect of niacin on blood metabolities, rumen protozoa, insulin levels and fatty liver in experimentally induced ketosis in ewes]]> 1 respectively. These parameters have been changed at the end of phlorizin injection (on the 12 day) as 105.72 U/ L, 4.52 mIU\ ml, 32.3 mg) dl, 6.6 gr\ dl, 315.8 mEqjL, 17 mEq/L, 5.24 % mg, 28 %, 13.9 X 103 respectively and total rumen protozoa count decreased to 20.200 + 4852 / ml and diffuse lipit infiltrastion was seen in epithelial cells of liver. On the 12 the day of the experiment, niacin was given orally to the animals for five days. At the end of the treatment, blood sugar incerased to 60.6 mg\ dl, serum insulin levels increased to 20.46 mIU/ml, SGOT decreased to 55.4 U/ L, rumen protozoa count increased to 111400 + 15883/ ml and lipid drops in liver samples were disappeared. The other blood parameters have also been changed and all animals were recovered by this treatment.]]> 1988-01-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 4 121 1988-01-01 109 Original Article <![CDATA[Untersuchungen über den Gehalt von Progesteron un d Fett in der Kuhmilch im]]> 1988-01-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 4 135 1988-01-01 123 Original Article <![CDATA[The Serological Survey on Parainfluenza Virus-3 (PIV-3) Infection in Cattle of Konya Province]]> 1988-01-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 4 141 1988-01-01 135 Original Article <![CDATA[The quality of strained yoghurt consumed in Konya]]> 1988-01-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 4 147 1988-01-01 143 Original Article <![CDATA[Some biochemical parameters and pressure of cerebrospinal fluid in healthy dogs]]> 1988-01-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 4 155 1988-01-01 149 Original Article <![CDATA[Bestimmung der Konzentrationen von Plasmaprogesteron, -östradıol-17 β, -lute-inisîerungshormon vor und nach der Nachgeburtsverhaltung bei einer Kuh]]> 1988-01-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 4 167 1988-01-01 157 Original Article <![CDATA[A study on the macro-anatomical differences of the skeletons of wolf and fox as compared with the skeleton of dog]]> 1988-01-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 4 182 1988-01-01 169 Original Article <![CDATA[Researches of the neutralizing antibody distributions and antibody titers against parainfluenza 3 (PI-3) virus in cattle in Livestock Central Research Institute of Konya]]> 1988-01-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 4 188 1988-01-01 183 Original Article <![CDATA[Some mikroscopic investigations in fibrosis of bovine livers infected by fasciola hepatica]]> 1988-01-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 4 196 1988-01-01 189 Original Article <![CDATA[The prognosis nad treatment of the neonatal calves with diarrhea]]> 1988-01-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 4 212 1988-01-01 197 Original Article <![CDATA[Serological determination of bovine adenovirus type 1, type 2 and type 3 in cattlc in Konya Agricultural Institution]]> 50 I 0.05 ml. Based on the results the neutralizing antibodies were found in 153 sera against BAV type 1, in 179 sera against BAV type 2 and in 191 sera against BAV type 3. These findings pointed out that the adenovirus infections which are one of the significant breeding diseases were prevalent in cattle in Konya Agricultural Institution.]]> 1988-01-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 4 218 1988-01-01 213 Original Article <![CDATA[Pathological investigations on theileriosis caused by Theileria annulata in brown calves]]> 1988-01-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 4 229 1988-01-01 219 Original Article <![CDATA[Pathological investigation on pneumonia in goats in Elazığ]]> 1988-01-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 4 137 1988-01-01 231 Original Article <![CDATA[Researches on the development of grading system and the determination of quality factors for fish]]> 1988-01-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 4 249 1988-01-01 239 Original Article <![CDATA[Comparative studies on the repair of Achilles tendon ruptures in dogs by carbon fibre and supramid suture]]> 1988-01-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 4 268 1988-01-01 251 Original Article <![CDATA[L'epidemiologie des cestodes et nematodes chez les poules dans la region de Konya]]> 1988-01-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 4 278 1988-01-01 269 Original Article <![CDATA[Recherches rurale sur aetivite de tiques de Bayticol pour-on]]> 1988-01-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 4 284 1988-01-01 279 Original Article <![CDATA[The values of some metabolites in the rumen fluid and the blood of Angora Goat]]> 1988-01-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 4 296 1988-01-01 285 Original Article <![CDATA[The effect of defaunatıon on volatile fatty acids in Akkaraman lambs]]> 1988-01-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 4 307 1988-01-01 297 Original Article <![CDATA[The efficiency of albendazole against gastro-intestinal nematodes, Dictyocaulus filaria and Moniezia spp. in sheep]]> 1988-01-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 4 315 1988-01-01 309 Original Article <![CDATA[Macro-anatomical investigations on the brachial plexus in dogs]]> 1988-01-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 4 332 1988-01-01 317 Original Article <![CDATA[The effect of different amounts of bıotin in broilers' ration on growth performance and fatty liver syndrome]]> 1988-01-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 4 349 1988-01-01 333 Original Article <![CDATA[Etudes macro-anatomiques sur les organs abdominaux du visons (Mustela Vison)]]> 1988-01-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 4 361 1988-01-01 351 Original Article <![CDATA[Turkish pastramı; the development of its modern processing technique and its preservation with vacuum packaging]]> 1 sample" produced at 20 °C temperature, 1.5 m/sec weather circulation speed and 65±5 % relative humidity was found to be as the most ideal one. The moisture content and the values of pH and A w were 41.62 %, 5.45, 0.91 respectively. The level of organoleptic acceptability was quite satisfactory (8,7). Although there was no growth for Coliform microorganisms, a mild increase was observed in the total viable cell count (5.6xl06) and in the numbers of Staphylococci (4.5x10 3 ). The same pastrami sample (DPx^) was kept in a vacuum package for the periods of 1,2 and 3 months at room temperature (20 °G). It was deduced that the weight loss decreased to the level of 1. 75 %, the total viable cell count dropped to 2.9xl0 5 , the proliferation of anaerob microorganisms increased to 3 .5xl0 4 , the degree of organoleptic acceptability has not changed significantly (7.9) at the end of 3 months storage period.]]> 1988-01-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 4 375 1988-01-01 363 Original Article <![CDATA[Equine Sarcoid Events In Equides]]> 1988-01-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 4 379 1988-01-01 377 Case Report <![CDATA[A case of fibrosarcoma of the vagina in a cow]]> 1988-01-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 4 385 1988-01-01 381 Case Report <![CDATA[Calculi vesicalis in a Bitch (A case Report)]]> 1988-01-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 4 391 1988-01-01 387 Case Report <![CDATA[THE BASIC PRINCIPLES OF INTERMEDIATE-MOISTURE FOODS]]> w decreases the proliferation of microorganisms in foods suppresses and below A w 0.65 the growth becomes practically impossible.]]> 1988-01-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 4 409 1988-01-01 393 Review