Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences - 2021; 37(1) Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences - RSS feed of 2021; 37(1) 1300-0705 March 2021 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1300-0705 <![CDATA[Comparison of blood gases, hematological and monitorization parameters and determine prognostic importance of selected variables in hypotensive and non-hypotensive calves with sepsis]]> 2021-03-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 37 008 2021-03-01 001 Original Article <![CDATA[Oocyte recovery and comparison of maturation rates of different quality oocytes in cattle]]> 2 at s5.5% CO 2 for 24 hours. Results: With the aspiration method, including 800 A, 584 B, 450 C and 60 D quality a total of 1894 oocytes were obtained. In addition, it was determined that the number of 2.42 A, 1.76 B, 1.36 C and 0.18 D per ovary was reduced. Only A and B quality oocytes were used for maturation. The maturation rate was determined as 90.3% in A quality oocytes and 83.3% in B quality oocytes (p?0.01). The total maturation rate of the study was determined as 87.4%. Conclusion: As a result, it was determined that maturation rates change according to oocyte quality and maturation rates reduce with the decrease in quality. Therefore, it was concluded that it is necessary to evaluate the oocyte quality before maturation.]]> 2021-03-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 37 015 2021-03-01 009 Original Article <![CDATA[The importance of venous blood gas findings and clinical scores in calves with bovine respiratory disease complex]]> 2 level was high, the pO 2 and sO 2 levels were low (p<0.05). Cl level was lower and HCO 3 level was higher (p <0.05) in P. multocida group compared to control and M. haemolytica groups, BEefc and BE levels were found to be higher (p <0.05) in P. multocida group compared to all groups. Conclusion: It was concluded that changes in blood gases and acid-base balance in BRD calves are associated with metabolic compensation of respiratory problems, and according to the clinical scores, M. haemolytica and P. multocida infections had a more severe course.]]> 2021-03-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 37 024 2021-03-01 016 Original Article <![CDATA[Morphological investigation of the plexus sacralis and the plexus lumbalis in the Common pheasant (Phasianus colchicus)]]> 2021-03-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 37 031 2021-03-01 025 Original Article <![CDATA[Clinical and radiological comparison of the application of bone plates on the lateral and dorsal side of the os ilium in the treatment of corpus ossis ilium fractures in cats]]> 2021-03-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 37 040 2021-03-01 032 Original Article <![CDATA[Effects of balanced powder food cooked for different cooking times on preference, digestibility and stool quality in dogs]]> 2021-03-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 37 048 2021-03-01 041 Original Article <![CDATA[Evaluation of clinical efficacy of gamithromycin in the treatment of naturally infected neonatal calves with cryptosporidiosis]]> 4 and 15 x 10 6 per gram in feces were included in the study. Hemogram and blood gases were measured at the beginning of the treatment and after the treatment. A single dose of 6 mg/kg body weight of gamithromycin was administered subcutaneously. Drug efficacy was assessed by evaluating the existence of diarrhea, oocyst shedding and body condition from day 1 to 5. Results: On 5 th day, the medicated 6 calves had no oocysts, and number of oocysts in feces had been decreased in 11 calves on 5th day. Statistically significant difference (p<0.05) was observed in the blood values at the beginning of the treatment and after the treatment. Conclusion: It has been determined that based on both clinical improvement and decrease in oocyst count in feces, gamithromycin was found to have moderate effect in the treatment of cryptosporidiosis in naturally infected neonatal calves.]]> 2021-03-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 37 054 2021-03-01 049 Original Article <![CDATA[Diagnosis of feline infectious peritonitis by immunohistochemistry and histopathology methods: A case report based on diagnostic approach]]> 2021-03-01 Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1 37 061 2021-03-01 055 Case Report