Current Issue: June 2024
Next Issue: September 2024
pISSN 1309-6958
eISSN 2146-1953

1993, Volume 9, Number 2, Page(s) 094-096
Renal Haemangiosarcoma in an Ox
M. Kemal Çiftçi1, S. Serap Türkütanıt2, Mustafa S. Uslu3
1Doç. Dr. S.Ü. Vet. Fak. Patoloji Anabilim Dalı, Konya
2Arş. Gör. Kafkas Ü. Vet. Fak. Patoloji Anabilim Dalı, Kars
3Vet. Hekim, Beyşehir Belediyesi, Beyşehir
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Multifocal 0.5-1.2 cm., dark-red nodular masses were seen within the renal cortex of a ten- year old ox which slaughtered at munic ipal abattoir in Beyşehir. Microscopic examination of these renal masses cantirmed the presence of haemangiosarcoma in the kidney of ox.