Current Issue: June 2024
Next Issue: September 2024
pISSN 1309-6958
eISSN 2146-1953

Keyword Index
1995, Volume 11, Number 1

KeywordsPage numbers
AST 119
Acute noninfectious keratoconjunctivitis traumatica 141
Aflatoxin 19
Butter 77
Ca 57
Cerebrocortical necrose 5
Chickens 119
Chloramphenicol 95
Chloramphenicol metabolites 95
Cholesterol 119
Dog 25
Ewe 41, 151
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 131
Flunixin meglumine 65
History 131
Hydrometra and pseudopregnancy 147
Hypercholesterolemia 13
Japanese quail 99, 125
Japanese quails 105
K. vitamin A 119
Kangal dog 47
Lactation 111
Na 119
PCB 119
Poultry 83
Quality 83
Salting technique 33
Sausage 83
Seaweed 105
Şavak Cheese 51
age 125
amprolium 5
atropine sulphate 25
biochemical parameters 47
blood parameters 105, 125
chemical 77
dexamethasone 141
dog 13
egg shell quality 57
egg yield 57
eryhtrocyte 13
fatty liver 119
flunixin meglumine 141
glucose 13, 111
goat 147
grit limestone 57
growth performance 99
hybrids 57
hygienic quality 67
ıce cream 67
japanese quail 73
lamb 5
laying hen 57
laying performance 73
methylene blue reduction test 67
microbiological quality 51
microbiologlcal 77
myelotoxic effect 95
onion oil 13
ovarium 151
oviduct 151
pastrami 33
pathology 151
pregnancy diagnosis 41
production 19
quality 33, 77
ratio of pasing 65
rice 19
seaweed extract 73, 99
sex 125
standard 51
storage 33
synovial fluid 65
tear production 25
thyroid hormones 111
total cholesterol 111
toxicity 73, 99
trigfyserides 119
ultrasonography 41
vitamin E 119