Current Issue: June 2024
Next Issue: September 2024
pISSN 1309-6958
eISSN 2146-1953

2021, Volume 37, Number 2, Page(s) 101-108
Examination of some hemogram values by ROC curve in the diagnosis of parvo viral enteritis in dogs
Merve Ayyıldız, Mehmet Emin Tekin
Selçuk Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Biyoistatistik Anabilim Dalı, Konya, Türkiye
Keywords: Parvoviral enteritis (CPV-2), ROC curves, diagnosis, dogs, blood cell count
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Aim: This study was carried out to find out cut points with ROC curves for the diagnosis of the disease in hematological values obtained through blood tests from the patient animals brought to clinics make the diagnosis easier and more precise and to strengthen the decision-making process during the diagnosis and treatment.

Materials and Methods: In this study, blood samples of 50 parvoviral patients and 53 healthy dogs were used. Blood from healthy dogs was analyzed at the laboratory. Patient data were obtained from clinical records. The haematological values of the sick and healthy dogs were statistically analyzed with the computer package program, and the best cut points for disease and health were determined by ROC curve method.

Results: As a result of the research; RDW parameter was determined as the highest classification power in terms of the area under the curve with a value of 0.93 The cut point for RDW was found to be 12.4. In the second row, the effective parameter with the value of 0.75 is the LYM # parameter and the cut point is 2.69. Also, MCHC (0.74), MCV (0.73) and PCT (0.73) field values and MCHC, MCV, PCT and WBC parameters also have significant discriminating power. The cut points; dogs have parvoviral disease at values with RDW>12.4, LYM # ≤ 2.69, MCHC> 31.7, MCV≤ 62.9, PCT> 0.25, HCT≤ 48.1 and WBC≤ 6.59.

Conclusion: It is recommended that the cut points of LYM #, MCHC, MCV, PCT, HCT and WBC parameters, especially RDW, can be used to diagnose dogs' parvoviral enteritis disease.