2024, Cilt 40, Sayı 4, Sayfa(lar) 167-172 |
[ Türkçe Özet ] [ PDF ] [ Benzer Makaleler ] |
Surgical Treatment of Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) of the Third Eyelid in a Cat |
Nuriza Zamirbekova1, Iremsu Satici1, Selman Pulat1, Aysenur Tural Cifci2, Mustafa Kul3, Fahrettin Alkan1, Rumeysa Gungor4 |
1Selcuk University, Veterinary Faculty, Department of Surgery, Konya, Türkiye 2Aksaray University, Veterinary Faculty, Department of Pathology, Aksaray, Türkiye 3Selcuk University, Vocational School of Health Services, Department of Medical Services and Techniques, Konya, Türkiye 41Selcuk University, Veterinary Faculty, Department of Pathology, Konya, Türkiye |
Keywords: Cat, Resection, Squamous cell carcinoma |
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Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the most common malignant tumor of the
eyelid in cats. It is usually seen in white-haired cats aged 10 years and older.
Although various regional and systemic chemotherapy treatments have been
proposed, surgical total resection of the mass is generally recognized as the
most accepted treatment method. The aim of this study was to evaluate the
treatment of eyelid SCC by surgical total resection in a cat. The study material
consisted of a short-haired female grey-white stray cat that was brought
to Selçuk University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Hospital,
Department of Surgery on January 4, 2024 with the complaint of ulcerative
tumor in the right eye. After clinical and hematologic examinations, the cat
was operated for mass resection. A dose of 0.25 ml bupivacaine was injected
subconjuctivally into the bulbar conjunctiva of the T-shaped cartilage, and
then the conjunctival tissue from which the third eyelid originated was
dissected along all its borders with dissecting scissors and total resection
of the tissue was achieved. The final diagnosis of SCC was made after
histopathologic examination. Postoperative detailed examination of the
eye segments and ocular MR imaging revealed no pathology. In addition,
according to the patient's clinical and hematologic findings and radiographic
findings of the thorax, no evidence of metastasis was found. During the
1-month postoperative follow-up period, no recurrence or general condition
deterioration was detected. In conclusion, we believe that surgical total
resection of the third eyelid is a feasible method for the treatment of SCC
originating from the third eyelid in cats.
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