2004, Cilt 20, Sayı 3, Sayfa(lar) 095-102
The Compactions between Endoscopic and Laboratory Findings of the Gastric Abnormality in the Dogs
Hasan Güzelbektaş, Veysi Aslan
Selçuk Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakuliesi, İç Hastalıdan Anabilim Dalı, KONYA
Keywords: Endoscopy, Stomach, Laboratory Findings, Dog
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In this study, clinical, laboratorial and endoscopic examinations were investigated for their accordance In the diagnosis ol gastric lesions in dogs. For this purpose. 4 dogs with acute gastritis, 14 dogs with chronic gastritis, 5 dogs wilh gastric ulceration, and 10 healthy dogs were used as a material. All dogs were examined with regard to clinical examination, complete blood cell counts, faeces (occult-blood) and endoscopic examinations. Mucus and biopsy samples were oblained during endoscopic examinations. When endoscopic and histopathologic^ I findings were compared, we found correlation of 75%, 78,5%, 80% and 70% in acute gastritis group, chronic gastritis group, gastric ulcer group and control group respectively. Red blood cell (RBC) and hemoglobin (Hb) levels were found significant lower (p<0,01, p<0,05 respectively) in the dogs with chronic gastritis compared to the control dogs. Occult-blood (hematemesls) was determined lo mildly in 8 dogs with chronic gastntis, severely in 5 dogs with gastric ulcerations. Mucus samples were evaluated lor existence ol spiral microorganism and no significant difference was found between healthy and diseases dogs.