2004, Cilt 20, Sayı 2, Sayfa(lar) 021-030
The Interpretation of Ambulatory Clinical Applications in addition to Veterinary Education Programs in the Progression of Veterinary Medicine Services
Mehmet Maden1, F. Mehmet Birdane2, Hasan Güzelbekteş1, Alparslan Coşkun1
1Selçuk Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi, İç Hast. Anabilim Dalı, KONYA
2Afyon Koeatepe Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi, İç Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı, AFYON
Keywords: Ambulance, Veterinary Medicine, Education
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In this study, the addition to veterinary education programs of ambulatory clinical applications was evaluated. In the evaluation of the veterinary ambulatory system which is first application in Turkey, the opinions of owner's patient, veterinary medicine students and clinical staff about ambulatory clinical applications were considered. An ambulatory system which has a truck and 2 trailers was designed for this study. The transportation capacity is maximum two cows. The owner's patient was applied to Animal Hospital in Faculty of Vetennary Medicine by telephone or personal applications. The patients were carried from farms to Animal Hospital in Faculty of Veterinary Medicine by veterinary ambulance. The acceptance, examination, diagnosis, hospitalization and treatment procedures ol the patients coming to Animal Hospital were performed by clinical staff along with students. Totally three groups were occurred as study groups which are owner's patient (n=71), students (n= 153) and clmical staff (n=28). A public survey was performed between study groups and ambulatory clinical applications were considered in according to answers of study groups in this survey. In this survey, the extention of veterinary clinical applications, observed and expected utilities of veterinary ambulance, the effects of veterinary education programs and scientific researches were investigated. In conclusion, it was determined that ambulalory clinical applications are increased numbers of patients coming to Animal Hospital, supplied rapid and safe transport and increased interest of owner's patient to Animal Hospital. The applications were benefited for students in the recognition of veterinary medicine. However, it was considered that the applications could be useful for execution of scientific researches and evaluation of regional animal diseases. It was concluded that ambulalory clinical applications should be continued by developing the service ol vetennary ambulance, expansion the time of service, supplied emergency equipment and sending a clinician with vetennary ambulance.