2003, Cilt 19, Sayı 3-4, Sayfa(lar) 049-054
Comparison of Effects on some Haema to logical and Biochemical Values and Recovery from Anaesthesia of Halothane and Sevoflıırane in Dogs
Ali Hayati1, Sait Bulut2
1Harran Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi, Cerrahi Anabiiim Dalı, ŞANLIURFA
2Fırat Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi, Cerrahi Anabiiim Dalı, ELAZIĞ
Keywords: Halothane, Sevoflurane, Dog
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In this study comparison ot effects recovery from anaesthesia with on some haematological and biochemical values in different ages, sexes, breeds and weights dogs were made. Halothane and sevoflurane of the doses of t .5 MAC during two hours were administered in a mixture of 100 % 02. During recovery period, sevoflurane group regained reflex earlier than halothane group. The complete recovery period (standlng-up) occurred short in sevoflurane group as compared with halothane group. Among haematologic parameters, leukocyte count continued to rise 24 hours after the anesthesia (p<0,001). Although leukocyte count increased in sevoflurane group, this increase was detected to be statistically non-significant. Even though erythrocyte count, haemoglobin and PCV were observed to reduce slightly during anesthesia (p<0.05), they reached their pre-anesthetic values after 24 hours. In biochemical parameters, statistically significant differences in serum glucose (p<0.001) and ALT (p<0.05) levels in halothane group were detected. These parameters were measured as near as their normal values in the blood serum taken 24 hours after anesthesia. In sevoflurane group, statistically significant increase in serum glucose (p<0.01) level during the anesthesia was determined to approach to its preanesthetic vaiue in the samples taken 24 hours later. In other biochemical parameters, BUN, creatine, albumin and globulin values were seen to remain within their physiologic ranges in both groups. In conclusion, it was determined that sevoflurane imposed few adverse effects on the haematological and biochemical parameters and possessed short recovery period as compared with haiotnane Therefore, It was suggested that sevoflurane should be preferred to halothane in cases which nave poor condition or require quick recovery from anesthesia.