2001, Cilt 17, Sayı 1, Sayfa(lar) 039-050
Pathological Investigations on Renal lesions in Sheep
Fatih Hatipoğlu, Hüdaverdi Erer
S.Ü. Veteriner Fakültesi, Patoloji Anabilim Dalı, KONYA
Keywords: Kidney Lesions, Pathology, Sheep
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This study was undertaken to determine the incidence, macroscopic and microscopic features of kidney abnormalities in sheep slaughtered at Konya abattoirs, For this purpose, a total of 10.080 sheep from different breeds and sources were examined at Meat and Fishery Organisation Konya Meat Combine and Konet Abattoir, This examinations revealed that 316 sheep (3,13 %) had various kidney abnormalities. These kidneys generally had more than one pathological changes. Amyloidosis was found in ten sheep (3.16 %) out of 316. Glomerulonephritis was seen in 22 cases (6.96%) and classified as follows; proliferative (19 cases) and membranoproliferative (3 cases) glomerulonephritis. Toxic tubulonephrosis was detected in 16 cases (5.06%). The kidneys of 6 sheep (1.89%) had cho-lemic nephrosis, and kidneys of 92 sheep (29.11%) which showed varying from reddish-brown to dark brown in colour had hemosiderosis. Cloisonne kidney was found in 4 cases (1.26%). Besides, calcification was observed in the kidneys of 65 sheep (20.56%) which was accompained with tubulonephrosis in 52 cases. Two hundred and three cases of interstitial nephritis (62.24 %) were found. The lesions were classified as nonpurulent in 164 cases (51.89 %) [ two diffuse (0.63%), and 162 focal (51.26%)] and purulent in 37 cases (11.70 %)[ 2 focal purulent (0,63%), 15 abscesses (4.74 %) and 24 pyelonephritis (7.59 %) (4 ol them with abscess)] Furthermore, 2 cases (0.63%) out ol 203 were determined as granulomatouse nephritis. Hydronephrosis was seen in 11 (3.48 %) cases (2 bilaterally, 9 unilaterally). Nephrolithiasis was observed in 28 sheep (8 86%) either bilaterally (12 cases) or unilaterally (16 cases).