1994, Cilt 10, Sayı 1-2, Sayfa(lar) 101-104
Bacteriological evaluation of various abcess cases in Bovine
İsmail Alkan1, Banur Boynukara2, Hasan Solmaz3, Nihat Şındak4
1Yrd. Doç. Dr. Y.Y.Ü. Veteriner Fakültesi, Cerrahi Anabilim dalı, Van
2Doç. Dr. Y.Y.Ü. Veteriner Fakültesi, Mikrobiyoloji Anabilim dalı, Van
3Arş. Gör. Y.Y.Ü. Veteriner Fakültesi, Mikrobiyoloji Anabilim dalı, Van
4Arş. Gör. Y.Y.Ü. Veteriner Fakültesi, Cerrahi Anabilim dalı, Van
Keywords: Bovine, abcess, bacteria
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In this study, 21 animals, ten of which were with omphalitis, were examined.

Operation was done with Xylazin hydrochlorid (Rom-pun, BAYER) premedication together with local Citan est hydrochlorur (Citanest ASTRA) Samples taken pre and post-operation under sterile condition, were examined in Departmanı of Bacteriyology. The results of bacteriological exemination showed that the isolated and identified bacteria were Str. pyogenes (28,5%), Staph, aureus (28.5%) and A. pyogenes (14.2%). The an-tibiogram test results indicated that chloramphenicol was effective on 33.3 % of tested strains. Animal were treated in accordance with the antibiogram tests.