2006, Cilt 22, Sayı 3-4, Sayfa(lar) 079-084
Historical Development of Karaköy Agriculture Enterprise
Şule Osmanağaoğlu
Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi, Veteriner Hekimliği Tarihi ve Deontoloji Anabilim Dalı, SAMSUN
Keywords: Karaköy Stud Farm, Management of Karaköy Agriculture Enterprise, Cow of Jersey Race
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"Karaköy Stud Farm", by the name of today "Management of Karaköy Agriculture Enterprise" was used as a store of stallion to breed the mare of the region. At Karaköy Stud Farm while the horse breeding was going on, in different time periods cow, water buffalo, sheep and chicken growing was the subject of Stud Farm. But by the time passed, they ended ail breeding expect cow. Main aim of the Enterprise was improvement ol black cow race in Black Sea Region. Enterprise began to work for growing high quality cow race which is in comply with regional conditions. This breeding was improved by the importing Jersey race cow in 1958 and goes up today. In this article, the historical improvement, animal growing of the Karaköy Stud Farm and the benefits to the people of region, animal growing of region and country and scientific studies made in this Enterprise are researched. Nowadays number of Jersey cattle of Black Sea Region reached 470.000 by the selection studies performed to improve a genetic strain. However, mean milk production of 3552 kg belongs to Jersey breed cattle's in the enterprise between the years of 2001-2005 reached international standard. The studies performing İn Karaköy Agriculture Enterprises contribute in animal breeding in the region and country.