2001, Cilt 17, Sayı 2, Sayfa(lar) 123-126
Production Traits of Tushin Sheep Il. Milk and Wool Yield
Ali Rıza Aksoy, Turgut Kırmızıbayrak, Mustafa Saatçi, Muharrem Taşkın Datcı
Kafkas Üniv. Vet. Fak, Zootekni Anabilim Dalı, KARS
Keywords: Tushin sheep, milk, fleece
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This study has been carried out to determine the yield of milk and wool in Tushin sheep. Twenty Iwo sheep were used for milk yield in 1997 and 66 in 1998, For fleece weight 9 rams and 79 ewes were used in 1998. The overall means of milk yield, milk lat and lactation lenght were found as 75,24±0.36 kg. 6,65±0.01 % and 127.6+0.18 day respectively. Lactation lenght was significantly affected by year (P< 0.05). There were significant positive correlations between milk yield and laclation lenght (0.55) and milk fat (0.30). The means ol fleece weight, fibre diameter, modullated ratio, staple length and twine unit were 1.94±0.07 kg, 28.65+0.51 micron, 7 84+1.30 %, 11.49±0.30 cm and 2.93+0,21 unit respectively. Sex significantly affected fleece weight and twine unit (P< 0.05, P< 0,01), The correlations between fleece weight and staple length (0.34) and twine unit (0.24), and between fibre diameter and me-dullated ratio (0.54) were statistically significant. Tushin sheep, generally kept around Kars and Ardahan, is an im-portand sheep for (his region, so that it should be reared as a gene source.