Current Issue: June 2024
Next Issue: September 2024
pISSN 1309-6958
eISSN 2146-1953

2000, Volume 16, Number 1, Page(s) 109-120
Production Performance of Akkaraman. Morkaraman and Awasi Sheep under Semi-intensive Conditions I, Fertility And Milk Production Characteristics
Orhan Özbey, Abdulkadir Akçan
F.Ü. Veteriner Fakültesi, Zootekni Anabilim Dalı, ELAZIĞ
Keywords: White karaman, Redkaraman, Avasi, Fertility. Milk Production
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This study was carried out to investigate the characteristics of fertility and milk yield in Whitekaraman. Red-karaman and Awasi sheep on semi-intensive conditions in the Research and Practice Farm ol Fırat University. The proportion of inseminated sheep that showed oestrus on the basis ol the number of ewes assigned lor mating, pregnancy rate, parturition rate and lambing rate in Whitekaraman were 100 %,93 %, 85 % and 118.52 %, respectively.The proportion tor the above parameters were determined as 100 %, 92 %, 88 % and 115.30 % in Whitekaraman and as 100 %, 90 %, 83 % and 112,50 % in Awasi sheep, respectively.The rate of twin birth per sheep which lambed and Ihe avarage number ol lambs for Whitekaraman, Redkaraman and Awasi sheep were 39 % and t .39; 30 % and 1,30; 35 % and 1.35, respectively, According to the results obtained by analysing the yield characteristics of the sheep, total milk yields were foud as 56.56, 96.37 and 109.90 (P<0,001), lactation periods were 134.43, 164,74 and 169.44 (P<0.001), awarage daily milk yields were 426.35, 504.14 and Ml. W» IP<0,001) in WVi-tekaraman, Redkaraman and Awasi sheep, respectively. In terms of total milk yield, lactation period and daily milk yield values in all three genotypic groups, higher values were observed in older sheep (4-5 years old) than the younger (2-3 years ) and in sheep which had twins than the sheep which had single lamb, the difference between the ages of the sheep was found to be statistically significant (PcO.OD.The difference in the type of birth was also determined to be significant (P<0.01).