1997, Cilt 13, Sayı 1, Sayfa(lar) 133-138
Macrounatomic Investigations un the Formation of the Portal Vein and It's Intrahepatic in Angora Goat
Sadettin Tıpırdamaz, Zafer Daşçı, Hakan Yalçın, Kamil Beşoluk
S.Ü. Vet. Fak., Anatomi Anabilim Dalı, KONYA
Keywords: Angora goat, portal vein, splenic vein, cranial mesenteric vein, ramus dexter and sinister
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In this study the formation of the portal vein, the vessels joining to this it's courses to the portal hepatic and intrahepatic distribution were investigated. It was observed that portal vein is formed by the cranial mesenteric, splenic and gastroduodenal vein. It was determine that the splenic vein was formed by pancreatic, epiploic, right and left ruminal. reticular and left gastric vein. It was seen that cranial mesenteric vein is formed by the caudal pancreatic duodenal, jejunal, ileal, ileocolic and right colic vein. Portal vein was divided into right and left branches in hepar of the Angora goats.